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So now I'm into numerology...

For the past four or five months I've been seeing repeating numbers at least once a day. It got me interested in the meaning behind it so I started doing research. I won't go into all the numbers I've seen since this has started but for the past 2 months I've been seeing 222 or 22 everywhere. I can be in the middle of doing the dishes and glance over to the stove clock and it will be 2:22. I will be listening to a youtube video in the background of browsing the internet, have the urge to get a drink, and when I stop the video it will be on 2:22. Last night I was at work taking one of my patient's blood sugars and it was 222. And honest to God, I just glanced at my computer clock when I started writing this and it said 10:22. You get the picture.

From what I've found online, 222 or 22 is supposedly considered an "angel number" and it is the number of the master builder. Basically this means that whatever I'm doing I need to keep doing because my newest/current intention is aligned with the highest path for my life. It tells you to focus on positive things because they will come into your life. This really excited me when I read it since I've been wanting to write a book lately. I am focusing on maintaining a positive attitude about my finishing it and having it published.

I've also seen 111 a lot lately. It hasn't been as prominent as 222, but it's a close second. The information I've found on this number is that it's also an "angel number". This number means the gate of opportunity is open to me. I need to think only about the things I want because they're ready to be manifested. I had a dream a couple weeks ago where I was surround by the number 4. They were taller than me and I was in the middle of their circle. I remember crying in the dream because I was so thankful and overwhelmed by the power of it. As soon as I woke up I looked up the meaning. This sequence relates to protection and being surrounded by your angels and archangels. It's meant to be a message that all is well and my angels see that I am working hard towards my goal and I should keep going. The universe is working in my favor. I need to trust that I am on the correct life path and continue my journey.

Having these numbers show themselves to me these past few months really has interested me. I was doing research this week and I found out about all types of different numbers that pertain to how you are, what your destiny is, what your personality is like, and so on. I found out my life path number is 8. This means I enjoy guiding people to see my visions for the betterment of mankind, I have financial success more than any other life path number, I like to manage, I'm attracted to positions of influence and leadership, and I can be stubborn or intolerant at times. I also like to learn things the hard way instead of being told what to do, I am very honest and blunt which can unintentionally hurt feelings of others, I can appear insensitive even though that's the opposite of what is happening inside me, and I'm a hard worker. My destiny number is 1 which means I have a desire to lead by example (not by aggressive or dominant behavior), I'm often asked to lead different types of affairs, my ability to focus helps me carry out my creative goals quickly and fully. I am happy with being a pioneer, creator, CEO, inventor, director, or editor. My purpose in life is to solve problems whether it be environmental or psychological and I'm very persistent in achieving my goals.

Everything I researched was incredibly accurate. There's so much more than what I've stated here but all of it described me perfectly. I strongly encourage you to research these things about yourself to see if you feel the same way. I believe God speaks to us in many ways, we just don't realize it most of the time. We always ask him to speak to us and tell us what to do, but then we ignore the signals he gives us. Numbers are an easy way for the universe to communicate with you, so pay attention! If you see these things happening don't take them for granted. It's been such an exciting thing for me to witness. I have never given much thought to numerology, but I'm really enjoying learning about it. I'm interested to see how my life unfolds this year and how these numbers played a role.


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