Cutting my last tie...
So throughout my relationship with my most recent ex, he told me many lies. He was notorious for exaggerating and going back on things he said. When I found out he was cheating on me I confronted the girl he told me he was involved with (something I've never done). She said it wasn't true and that he was lying. It turns out that he really was. He then told me another girls name who was supposedly the "real" one that he was cheating with. I let it go at this point because it didn't matter. Both of these girls were women I worked with and this ordeal had already caused enough drama. I wasn't going to risk my job for him. Recently I've had to deal with the "real" woman more than normal and I've had a very bad attitude towards her since this all happened.
A few days ago something hit me. I realized that me having ill feelings towards her wasn't doing anything but making me look bad. Not only was I acting like a child, but it made me realize that he still had control over me in this way. How do I know that he didn't lie about this woman just like he did the first one? Even if she was the woman he cheated with, why should it matter now? If anything, I should be giving her thanks for making me see his true colors. I decided to make a vow to myself- a vow that he would not have any control over how I saw other people. I refuse to have certain perceptions about people just because of what he told me, because as far as I'm concerned, everything he had ever said was a lie. I'm starting fresh, with a clean slate. I will treat all of these people as if it's the first time meeting them. I won't let anyone steal my happiness from me. This is the last cord I'm cutting with that relationship, and it feels so excellent.