My vacation from self-improvement
I'm the type of person who constantly evaluates myself and what areas of my life I need to improve on. If I'm not improving in something every few days I begin to get really frustrated with myself. For about two weeks now I feel like I've hit a plateau. It's gotten to the point that even my dreams are really negative and frustrating. I can't seem to figure out how to move forward again. I've been praying about it and meditating on many different subjects but nothing seems to give. Today I saw a photo facebook that said "Every now and then you need to stop climbing and appreciate the view from right where you are." This really hit me deep. Maybe the reason why God isn't giving me any answers on how to move forward is because he wants me to be still and enjoy where I am. I am always thankful for how far I've come, but I never really sit in it for long. I'm obsessed with self-improvement. I realize now that it's important to calm down and just enjoy the view sometimes. These past two days I have been doing exactly that. I went to a party in Huntsville yesterday with my sister and her husband. We all dressed up and took a bus out into the middle of the woods and danced with tons of people we didn't know. Today my mom, stepdad, and grandma came up to join us. We watched the Alabama football game, ate tons of food, carved pumpkins, and watched Hocus Pocus while we drank hot chocolate floats. I decided to chill out and enjoy my time with my family. It's been a great weekend and I'm sure I won't forget it. Sometimes we need a vacation from self-improvement. Sometimes we just need to sit in our moments and say thank you to ourselves for how far we've come. Sometimes we need to stop asking so much from ourselves and bask in the amazingness of our lives. This is my answered prayer.