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Law of attraction testimony...

I first heard about the law of attraction when I was in 5th grade, but I never gave it any thought. My mom had watched "The Secret" with some of her friends but not much came of it- from what I remember. I hadn't heard anything about it until last year. I can't remember exactly what month it was but I remember finding a video on youtube about it. I found it really interesting, so I continued to watch more videos and read articles and testimonies claiming the effects of this law. I decided to give it a try one day. Randomly, throughout every day I would think about a check I would be receiving in the mail. I would get excited about the money coming my way- thinking about how I was going to spend that money and what day it would be arriving. I did this for about a little over a week. One day I got a letter from an old job that I hadn't worked at in a year and a half. In this letter I had a check. They told me it was an old paycheck that I never claimed for $62. From that moment on I was a believer. It was such an exhilarating feeling! I started experimenting more and more as the weeks went by. Some things would manifest immediately and some would come later.

I remember praying that God would give me a way to link my passion for makeup and my desire to help people together. I believed that it was going to happen because it was something I felt so strongly about. A few days later I got a message from a fellow makeup artist friend asking if I could do makeup for a fashion show in Tennessee in a week. I agreed reluctantly, as I was in the middle of finals week of nursing school. I decided to let this be a chance to have some fun and relax before exams. I didn't know this until the day of, but the whole show was a charity event to help children in third world countries receive clef palate surgeries to prevent the furthering of sex trafficking. A week after this show was done, I was lying in bed one night saying a prayer and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I shot up in bed and said "Oh my God!!!" It hadn't dawned on me that God had answered my prayer. He brought my love for makeup and my desire to help people together. I started crying and saying "thank you" until my tears turned into laughter. I was laughing at the fact that it had taken me a week to notice this answered prayer and I felt so oblivious.

Later on in the year I had posted a status on facebook saying my next career goal was to have my makeup published. Literally, not even 24 hours later, I had a woman named Mary contact me through my model mayhem page. She said she wanted to publish my work in her online beauty blog. I couldn't believe it. I thought it was too good to be true. Things don't just fall into our laps like that, do they? Well, sometimes they really do. If the universe knows what you want and you are open to receiving it and you believe it will be given to you, then you are opening the flood gates to success and abundance.

There are so many instances in the past year where the law of attraction has worked for me. There were a few times where I didn't think I was going to make it through nursing school. Not only did I make it through, but I also made A's and B's the entire way and was able to speak during graduation. I thought my pell grant for school was going to be discontinued after I graduated, but I received notice that I would have it for another year, everything paid in full. I concentrated on manifesting greater financial stability and I've had three pay raises within 9 months, doubling my income. I could go on and on with the examples.

I believe in the law of attraction. It is powerful and it works. If you tell the universe what you want and truly believe it will come, then there's no stopping what you can manifest into your life. It's important that you have positive thoughts and statements that support your desires so that they can come quicker and easier. You can't tell God that you want to have all your debt paid off in three months but then always say things like "I'm so poor" or "I'm broke" This is counter productive. The universe will give you what you focus on. Focus on nothing but good things for yourself and you will receive it. Everyone is capable of manifesting things they want. I urge all of you who read this to try it out! Start with something small if you'd like. Just remember to state what you want, believe it will be given to you, and feed at energy good thoughts and words. Feel free to e-mail me with your results!

-Kenzie Llama


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