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My thoughts on birth, death, and time...

Is it possible for everything in the universe to be all the same and constantly unfolding on itself? The more I think about this, the more I find connections of why it might be true. Here's what I believe, as of right now: birth and death are the same thing, the human body and the universe are the same thing, we are constantly living in a state of past/ present/ future at any given moment. I'll explain myself.

When I was doing my pediatric clinical rotation last year in nursing school I had a patient that went into labor. Me and another classmate were allowed to stay in the room during the delivery. I had never seen a baby delivery in real life. I didn't expect to think much of it but I was in for a rude awakening. I was in the perfect position to see the top of the baby's head crowning. The girl kept pushing and pushing until finally I saw the baby's head pop out. It was so wrinkled and purple with its eyes smashed shut. Finally, the doctor had her push one more time and the baby came all the way out. They sucked the jelly out of its nose and mouth and suddenly the baby let out this huge cry. I don't know what happened to me in that delivery room but seeing this really struck a chord deep inside me. Tears welled up in my eyes and I kept screaming at myself internally, "DO NOT LET THESE PEOPLE SEE YOU CRY!!!" I wasn't crying because I was thinking about how exciting it is for this girl to be a mother or how beautiful the birthing process is. I was crying because the first thought I had when that baby came out was "This is what it's like when we die." Here we are in this comfortable environment and we think this is all there is. We can't even fathom life beyond the place we are now. Then, everything you ever knew changes and you get sucked into this brand new, bright, strange place and someone smacks out on the butt and suddenly you're able to breathe in a way you never knew was possible. Now you have this new life and you can't even remember what your old life was like. This is how it is when we die. We get sucked out of this consciousness that we know right now and put into a new world we could never even dream was real. You can't even remember what your life was like back on Earth because you've seen the light and that old life is much too dark to remember. There was a story I read last year called "Plato's Allegory of the Cave" and it described a situation much like this. I attached a video for you to watch which explains it easily.

On to my second point: the human body and the universe are the same thing. This is a big statement to make, I know. The human body is made up of the same components as the universe, which is why I believe this. I'm still doing research on this one to back up my statement and this is actually the topic I want to write my book on, so I'm not going to explain it in my blog.

Third point: we are constantly living in a state of past, present, and future at any given moment. This is interesting to think about, really. Every second that goes by is simultaneously the birth and death of that moment. This second that you're reading this is the future, present, and past as soon as it is lived. The only time it is considered one of these three things is when we give it a label. It's similar to quantum physics, which says that a particle can be everywhere at all times until it's measured, and then it only resides in one place. Time is everywhere all at once, until we give it a name and then it must be restricted to that one point. Maybe this can be taken into consideration with human life, also. We are energetic beings. The universe is made of energy. When we die, our energy is expelled back out into the universe. Maybe our energy is everywhere, all at once, until conception when we are given a label as a human, and we must reside in this point until we die.

These are just some of the things I've given a lot of thought to in the past year. I'm not a scientist, physicist, philosopher, or anything of the sort. I just have a lot of ideas that I like to explore and I wanted to share them with you. Feel free to comment your thoughts! I would love to discuss these things with other people.

-Kenzie Llama


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